Drastic Changes in Cat Behavior - What to Do?

Drastic Changes in Cat Behavior - What to Do?

Milo Fwancis here (Jeff’s cat) again, and I want to talk to you about drastic changes in cat behavior! We’ll cover some pretty odd cat behaviors, why your cat is probably behaving this way, health problems that could cause odd cat behaviors, and what you can do for us cats!

Drastic Changes in Cat Behavior

I’m not feeling well :(


Cat Behaviors to Worry About

When a cat suddenly starts behaving unusually, in a way you humans have never seen before, there is probably something wrong! I, for one, try to keep to myself when I’m not feeling well, and don’t like strange invaders in my home.

Unusual & Sudden Hiding

Of course, it’s instinctual for my fellow cats to want to hide when playing, but we don’t do this constantly. If your cat absolutely never wants to show his face, it’s a safe bet that he’s either not feeling well or insecure. If you can’t figure out the reason for these drastic changes in cat behavior, it’s probably a good time to schedule a veterinary appointment.

Thousands of years ago, cats adapted to hide when injured or vulnerable, as a means of protecting themselves, and we are very good at it! That being said, our constant hiding should send you a clear message.

Spontaneous Aggression with Other Household Animals/People

If your cat is usually calm, or even friendly around others, you can safely assume he’s acting normally. On the other hand, something odd might be going on if your cat suddenly tried to pick a fight with a much larger and more powerful animal (like a dog, or a human!). 

Spontaneous Aggression with Other Household Animals/People

Aggressive cat behavior can be our way of responding to pain, or more often- extreme anxiety and nervous feelings! If I suddenly find an unknown dog living with me, I might decide to tell him to back off!

Diabetic Cat Behavior Changes

With the poor quality of today’s manufactured cat foods, along with excessive eating and the increase of obesity in cats, Diabetes is becoming more of a problem! Not only will the disorder lead to several health concerns, but you’ll also notice obvious cat behavior changes.

Polydipsia: Excessive Thirst

Your cat might seem thirsty, all of the time. Maybe you see him drinking from the toilet or sink, the dog’s water dish, or the bathtub. Changes in cat behavior like excessive drinking can be a sign of diabetes, kidney disease, and several other disorders! If you notice your cat drinking more than normal, contact a veterinarian.

Polyuria: Excessive Urination

If there are larger clumps of urine in your cat’s litter box, or more urine deposits, contacting a veterinarian about these strange new cat behavior changes could be integral to support the little one’s health!

Polyphagia: Increased Appetite

Usually accompanied by weight gain, diabetic cats often have a huge increase in appetite, constantly pestering their owners for more food! This is one of the more obvious diabetic cat behavior changes a pet owner will see. These cats may not be ‘full-blown diabetic’, but most are very close!

Cat Behavior Changes after Spaying

Spaying a cat eliminates the possibility of pregnancy, and your female cat will no longer endure heat cycles. This usually means she’ll lose all of the cat behavior changes related to hormone regulation during that heat cycle, such as excessive grooming, marking her territory, loud mating calls and more. Most of the time, this will eliminate any undesired behaviors your cat will have!

On the other hand, a cat’s normal behavior won’t change much and is often not noticeable at all. You won’t see any more mate-seeking cat behaviors or attempts to leave the house (and males won’t be constantly trying to reach your female). There is no real evidence your cat will become ‘lazy,’ or less productive after spaying.

Signs of Poor Health

The only real cat behavior changes after spaying you’ll want to watch out for involve a reduced appetite, excessive licking around the surgical area, or a sense of grogginess or lethargy. These can be signs of an infection or other problems with the surgery, and you should contact your veterinarian!

Cat Behavior Aggression

There are plenty of reasons why a cat might display aggressive behavior! As a human cat owner, your first step should be fi figure out why my fellow cat is upset. Once you isolate the source of the kitty aggression, these cat behavior changes can be treated.

What body language is your cat displaying? Is he acting fearful, injured, anxious, or dominant/aggressive? The way a cat holds his ears (flat to the forehead, back, straight up), his tail, or his body posture can be a good indication of his general feelings toward things.

Play Aggression

This type of aggression is found more often in poorly socialized cats that weren’t raised with littermates or other pets. Learning proper play is vital to a cat’s early social skills, and many older cats who have never experienced social contact as young kittens simply lack the ability.

Fear Aggression

This type of cat behavior is often seen in cats reacting to some sort of uncomfortable stimuli, or to an experience that the little kitty associates with fear, pain, or aggression.

For cats like me, this is a second nature response! Imagine an automatic jolt you get when that dog snaps at you. You’ve never been bitten (or maybe you have), but your brain automatically responds!

Petting-Induced Aggression

Some cats can strangely become aggressive while being pet for still unknown reasons! Did you pet the wrong area? Is your cat overstimulated? To manage this form of cat aggression, avoid uninvited handling, petting, or affection, and never physically punish my feline friends!

It is always especially important to supervise this type of aggression around young children!

Status-Induced Aggression

Sometimes, my fellow cats want to show the world who is in charge! In all seriousness, cats do show aggression in order to adopt a hierarchical status or show a kind of dominance, over another animal. An estimated 27% of cats surrendered to shelters are showing aggression for these reasons!

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